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Dynamic Sudoku Solver

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
    1.1  Source Code
  2. Boards / Cells
  3. Row/Column/House Traversal
  4. Candidate Analysis
    4.1  Update Candidates / Single Candidate Elimination
    4.2  Hidden Single Candidate Elimination
  5. Backtracking
  6. Conclusion

1. Intro

     This article discusses Pseudokude (pseudocode + sudoku), an algorithm made in Rust for solving sudoku boards of any size up to a u16. Pseudokude makes use of backtracking as well as candidate analysis.

1.1 Source Code

Source code on GitHub

2. Boards / Cells

     Pseudokude makes use of two different objects, the Board object, and the Cell object.

     The Board object represents an entire sudoku board, including its size, the size of its houses, what the last modified Cell was, and most importantly, it contains a 2D vector of Cell objects.

     The Cell object represents individual cells, containing its digit, the coordinates of all other cells in its row/column/house, as well as all of its candidates and banned candidates.

3. Board Traversal

     To allow for backtracking and candidate analysis, a cell must be able to compile a list of all its surrounding cells to determine what possible digits it could be. These lists are the vectors row, col, and house. There is an additional list titled aoe for "area of effect", which is defined as the union of row, col, and house, $ \text{row}\cup \text{col}\cup \text{house} $.

     Special care is taken to ensure that the cell's own coordinates are not included in any of these lists. See Board.init() below, which initializes all cells. Note that color functionality have been removed from this codeblock and all other codeblocks in this article. See also the visualization of each cell's area-of-effect.

Board.init() Rust Code
	//Initialize values of board from given input, where init is the sudoku board.
	fn init(&mut self, init: &Vec<Vec<u16>>) {
		let mut hx: usize;
		let mut hy: usize;
		//Iterate through row
		for i in 0..self.bsize {
			//Initialize row
			//Iterate through column
			for j in 0.. self.bsize {
				//Initialize cell
				//Assign digit to cell
				self.cell[i][j].digit = init[i][j];
				//Initialize row and column coordinates
				for k in 0..self.bsize {
					if k != j {
					if k != i {
				//The top-left coordinate for the cell's house
				hy = (((i/self.hsize) as f64).floor() as usize)*(self.hsize);
				hx = (((j/self.hsize) as f64).floor() as usize)*(self.hsize);
				//Iterate from top-left of house and add to cell's house and aoe coordinates.
				for k in 0..self.hsize {
					for l in 0..self.hsize {
						if i != (k+hy) || j != (l+hx) {
				//Initialize AOE coordinates
				for k in (self.hsize-(j%self.hsize)+j)..self.bsize {
					self.cell[i][j].aoe.push([i, k]); //Row after house
				for k in 0..(j+(self.hsize-(j%self.hsize))-self.hsize) {
					self.cell[i][j].aoe.push([i, k]); //Row before house
				for k in (self.hsize-(i%self.hsize)+i)..self.bsize {
					self.cell[i][j].aoe.push([k, j]); //Column after house
				for k in 0..(i+(self.hsize-(i%self.hsize))-self.hsize) {
					self.cell[i][j].aoe.push([k, j]); //Column before house

4. Candidate Analysis

     Candidate analysis has three steps: updating each cell's individual candidates, searching for cells that contain only one candidate, and determining whether a cell's candidate is unique to at least one of its areas.

4.1 Update Candidates / Single Candidate Elimination

     Before a cell can be eliminated, we must first determine its candidates. This is done by iterating through and compiling all digits from the cell's area-of-effect.

     Every cell's candidate list is updated all at once when the board is first loaded as well as when popping the Board stack during backtracking. When filling in a cell, only that cells within the area-of-effect are updated. This stand-alone update is where single candidate elimination occurs.

     Below is the pseudocode for update_cand(). Note that this function is recursive. If a single candidate elimination is possible, then this function is further called for all cells in that coordinate's area. Another very similar version of this function exists that updates all candidates, update_all_cand(), the code for which is almost exactly the same as the following code.

FUNCTION update_cand(cell)
    FOR each empty coordinate in the cell's area of effect
        CLEAR coordinate's candidates
        APPEND all free digits to the coordinate's candidates
        IF coordinate has only 1 candidate THEN
            SET coordinate's digit to that candidate
        END IF

     See the Rust code for update_cand() below. To gather what digits are in a cell's area, the additional function coords_to_digits() is used. coords_to_digits() is multi-purpose, as it is also used for obtaining all candidates within a cell's area, which will be required for 4.2.

update_cand() Rust Code
		//Updates the candidates of all cells, restricted by cand_limit.
		fn update_cand(&mut self, coord: [usize; 2]) {
			let mut aoe: Vec<u16>; //Current cell's house
			let mut cand_len: u16;
			for each in &self.cell[coord[0]][coord[1]].aoe.clone() {
				if self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].digit == 0 {
					cand_len = 0;
					//Assign all candidates, restricted by limit and cand_limit.
					aoe = self.coords_to_digits(&self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].aoe, false);
					for k in 1..(self.bsize+1) {
						if !aoe.contains(&(k as u16)) && !self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].cand_limit.contains(&(k as u16)) {
							self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].cand.push(k as u16);
							cand_len += 1;
					//If there is only 1 candidate, set it as the digit and update further cells.
					if cand_len == 1 {
						self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].digit = self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].cand[0];
						self.update_cand([each[0], each[1]]);

coords_to_digits() Code
		//Returns a vector of digits OR candidates from a vector of coordinates
		fn coords_to_digits(&self, area: &Vec<[usize; 2]>, return_cand: bool) -> Vec<u16> {
			let mut output: Vec<u16> = vec![];
			//Iterate through area
			for each in area {
				//Whether to return area's digits or all of area's candidates
				if return_cand {
					if self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].digit == 0 {
						for each in &self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].cand {
				} else {
					if self.cell[each[0]][each[1]].digit != 0 {
			return output;

4.2 Hidden Single Candidate Elimination

     Single hidden candidate elimination is the process of determining whether a cell has a candidate that is unique to its row, column, or house. If a candidate only exists within a single cell in an area, then that cell must be that candidate, regardless of whether or not the cell has other candidates and regardless of whether or not that digit exists as a candidate in the other areas.

     The following is an example of a cell that can be solved using hidden single candidate elimination.

Credit to for image.

     Note that the highlighted cell has multiple candidates, however it is the only cell in its row that has 4 as a candidate. This means it must be 4, which further decreases the candidates in the house as shown below.

Credit to for image.

     The function process_of_elimination() is shown below, which is responsible for single hidden candidate analysis. Note that the function makes use of update_cand() from 4.1.

FUNCTION process_of_elimination()
    WHILE there are potentially more eliminations DO
        FOR each empty cell on the board
            FOR each of cell's candidates
                FOR each coordinate in cell's areas (row, column, and house)
                    IF candidate exists in area THEN CONTINUE
                    SET digit to candidate
                END FOR
            END FOR
        END FOR

     The Rust code for the function process_of_elimination() is also below. Note that the function makes use of update_cand() and coords_to_digits() from 4.1.

process_of_elimination() Rust Code
		//Checks for cells that have candidates that are unique to one of its areas
		fn process_of_elimination(&mut self) {
			let mut c: u16; //Current cell's candidate
			let mut row: Vec<u16>; //Current cell's row
			let mut col: Vec<u16>; //Current cell's col
			let mut house: Vec<u16>; //Current cell's house
			let mut reset: bool = true; //Whether or not to keep searching
			//Start search
			while reset {
				self.solved = true;
				reset = false;
				//Iterate through all cells
				for i in 0..self.bsize {
					for j in 0..self.bsize {
						//Ensure cell is a 0
						if self.cell[i][j].digit == 0 {
							self.solved = false;
							//Establish candidates in each area
							row = self.coords_to_digits(&self.cell[i][j].row, true);
							col = self.coords_to_digits(&self.cell[i][j].col, true);
							house = self.coords_to_digits(&self.cell[i][j].house, true);
							//If areas do not contain candidate, then set cell to candidate.
							for k in 0..self.cell[i][j].cand.len() {
								c = self.cell[i][j].cand[k];
								if !row.contains(&c) || !col.contains(&c) || !house.contains(&c) {
									self.cell[i][j].digit = c;
									self.update_cand([i, j]);
									reset = true;

5. Backtracking

     Candidate analysis is extremely effective for most sudoku puzzles, but as the board size increases and the amount of given information decreases, more advanced strategies must be implemented. In the case of Pseudokude, backtracking is used starting from the top-left of the board and working its way to the right.

     Pseudokude uses a fairly standard backtracking algorithm. For every board iteration, a new copy of the board is pushed to a stack. If the board is determined to be unsolvable, then the stack is popped and the most recently backtracked cell gets its digit added to its list of banned candidates and resets, ensuring that branch is never traversed again.

     Below is the pseudocode for the backtracking algorithm used. This is the main algorithm of Pseudokude, as it makes use of all the previous functions described. Note that the condition for popping is encountering a cell that is empty but that has zero candidates. This only occurs if the board is impossible to solve.

SET board equal to the board to be solved
SET board_stack to a stack of boards
PUSH board to board_stack
WHILE the board isn't solved DO
    SET board to the top of board_stack
    FOR each empty cell in board
        IF cell has candidates THEN
            SET cell to the first of its candidates
            SET board's last_modified to cell's coordinate and digit
            PUSH board to board_stack
        ELSE THEN
            POP board_stack
            PUSH top of stack's last_modified digit to its cell's banned candidate list
            SET top of stack's last_modified cell to empty
            top of board_stack.update_all_cand()
            top of board_stack.process_of_elimination()
            CONTINUE outer WHILE loop
        END IF

     Below is the Rust code for backtracking, which is just Pseudokude's main() function. Some functionality has been stripped from this example code, including color functionality and error checking.

Backtracking Rust Code
		//Main code containing backtracking logic.
		fn main() {
			//The board to be solved.
			let init = vec![
			let mut b = Board::new(init.len()); //The main board
			let mut b_stack: Vec<Board> = vec![]; //The stack of boards
			b.init(&init); //Initialize cells and area coordinates
			b.update_all_cand(); //Update the candidates for all cells
			b.process_of_elimination(); //candidates initialization
			b_stack.push(b.clone()); //Push first unsolved board to stack.
			//Main back-tracking loop
			while b.solved == false {
				//Update temporary board
				b = b_stack.last_mut().unwrap().clone();
				//Iterate through cells
				'outer: for i in 0..b.bsize {
					for j in 0..b.bsize {
						//Ensure cell is a 0
						if b.cell[i][j].digit == 0 {
							//Ensure cell has candidates
							if b.cell[i][j].cand.len() > 0 {
								//Set cell to first candidate and update the last-modified cell data.
								b.cell[i][j].digit = b.cell[i][j].cand[0];
								b.last_modified = [i, j, b.cell[i][j].cand[0] as usize];
								//Update candidates and check for area candidate eliminations.
								b.update_cand([i, j]);
								//Push board to stack
							//No candidates mean the current board state is impossible to solve.
							} else {
								//Pop top of stack.
								//Revert the last-modified cell to a 0 and update its cand_limit list.
								b_stack.last_mut().unwrap().cell[b.last_modified[0]][b.last_modified[1]].cand_limit.push(b.last_modified[2] as u16);
								b_stack.last_mut().unwrap().cell[b.last_modified[0]][b.last_modified[1]].digit = 0;
								//Update candidates and check for area candidate eliminations.
								//Restart search
								break 'outer;
			//Show the solved board

6. Conclusion

     There are some optimizations that could be made to Pseudokude. I could've implemented solving methods such as the X-Wing Strategy, but I felt that it would have been nothing but more of the same in regard to the challenge of implementing it. Alternative optimizations include using a single-coordinate system (versus working with an x and a y) and using bitwise operations for determining candidates (this comes at the cost of not being able to solve boards wider than 64 cells).

     Overall I consider Pseudokude a success. It has been a very fun exercise in code optimization and problem solving. Again, be sure to check out the source code over on GitHub.